Paul & Robi Band (Argentinian Rock/Pop)

Paul & Robi Band

The Paul & Robi Band originally started back in 2008 in Italy, founded by Argentinian guitarist Paul Bonahora and Italian Vocalist Roberto Sardi. Since 2010 they have been rocking Vienna “Latin style”, becoming an icon of every Noche Argentina. Winning the national Rock the Island Contest in 2012, they have had the chance to be an opening act for the legendary Scottish band Simple Minds at the Radio Wien/Ö3 Stage, as well as perform live at popular venues in Vienna. The Paul & Robi Band revives the “best of” Argentinian Rock and Pop music brining it to a true Anglo-Latin show.

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Vienna Tango Quintet

Vienna Tango Quintet

The Vienna Tango Quin­tet (Ronen Nis­san, musi­cal direc­tor and gui­tar) is an ensem­ble made of clas­si­cally trained musi­cians (Nico­las Di Marco-violin, Angel­ica Martinez-bass, Alfredo Ovalles-piano und Juan Sebas­t­ian Gutier­rez Valen­cia – Ban­do­neon) who share a pas­sion for Argen­tin­ian tango.
Together with Paula Barem­buem from Buenos Aires, they present con­tem­po­rary ver­sions of clas­si­cal tan­gos such as Gardel’s “Duelo Criollo” or Troilo’s “Sur” as well as waltzes (“El Beso”) and even Zam­bas such as “Alfon­sina Y el Mar”.

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